Friday, April 20, 2007

Anger Management Classes - Part II

I have made several observations about anger management classes and anger management coaching over the last few years. One of the first observations I’ve made is the change in view towards anger management from punitive to purposeful. That is to say, I’ve seen a shift in the public view from anger management having a negative flavor to it; to anger management becoming accepted as a worthwhile and meaningful educational intervention to help improve ones interpersonal relationships and quality of life.

When I first started seeing clients, especially those that were court ordered, it was viewed as if they were taking a traffic school class. After about two sessions, they quickly realized how amazing anger management classes were to them. First, they got exposed to skills that really were going to help them improve their relationships. Second, many agreed that if they really knew what anger management was all about; they would have taken a class a long time ago. The public perception is changing and it’s about time.

Another observation I have made is that anger management coaching is a wonderful way to teach these skills to those that do not want to participate in a group. While there are advantages to participating in a group, many prefer a one on one format. I have seen a steady increase in requests for anger management coaching and I believe it is party due to business and industry also opening their eyes to alternate ways of helping employees. Many self-referred individual clients also like the “coaching” aspect of learning anger management skills because they leave each session with a new tool; a concrete tangible skill to try and practice at home, work, and with loved ones.

Anger management classes in general tend to teach skills in variety of areas. Our classes and anger management coaching use the Century Anger Management model of intervention which is based on the client workbook, “Anger Management for the Twenty-first Century” written by Ari Novick, Ph.D. and Tony Fiore, Ph.D.. This is an easy to use workbook and curriculum, and teaches clients eight core skills. These skills include assertive communication; empathy and social awareness; how to have better judgment and impulse control; challenge automatic thinking; expectation management; forgiveness; stress management, and skills for staying calm.

Anger management classes and coaching is meant to be short term. Classes are usually 10 sessions but can be customized for more or less classes as needed. Most self-referred clients tend to benefit most from about 10 classes. Those that are referred through the court will usually have their requirement set by the Judge issuing the classes.

Is anger ruining your relationships and quality of life? Are you asking yourself if anger management is right for you? I guess it’s like asking if you should see a doctor for a compound fracture. Most people would not hesitate to see a doctor for a broken arm, a toothache, or a bad back. Why would you want to prolong your ability to learn skills to better your relationships at home or work? Taking an anger management class might save one of your most prized assets from tragedy, you.

For more information on our anger management programs visit or